Tuesday, December 4, 2012

DIY Ornaments

This is the first Christmas that I will be able to fit a larger tree into my home, so I need more ornaments to add to it.  As a thrifty and crafty girl, I was determined to add only DIY ornaments.  Here is how it all went down.

First, we need a Christmas tree...
I found the perfect tree, now for a boyfriend to cut it...check!
Next, we need to make some cute ornaments...

Add buttons, ribbon, and felt to these little grape vine wreaths (49 cents at Michael's) to make these DIY ornaments.
This is another cheap way to make cute ornaments...using tinsel ribbon (ribbon with wire on the edges for those like me who do not know what tinsel ribbon is without googling it).  

Cut the 1.5" ribbon 40" long, and then follow these steps to make a beautiful star.
I added these to bare spots in the tree, so it looked fuller.
Happy Holidays!

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